High precision Scanbody for intra and extraoral CAD scanning procedures, incorporating the angled working system.

With the Dynamic μScanbody System there are different working options
with the libraries:
- Direct to implant
- Digital Analog
- Dynamic Ti-Base®
- Pre-milled
The Dynamic Abutment® Solutions Micro-Scan system brings together cutting edge technology developed by the R&D&I department to provide the greatest precision and accuracy in the scanning and milling process.
We have a certified minimum accuracy of ±3 μm
Hole free scanbody and bnot screwed. There are no holes in the upper section which means the Z axis is free to improve scanbody scanning.

Connecting element between the scanbody and the implant. Fastened to an adaptor using a magnet. Marked with different colors according to the compatibility.

Screwed to implant

(8mm,10mm and 12mm) for different scanning methods, depending on the case.