During the last IDS 2017, Dynamic Abutment Solutions presented a new precision milling tool developed by our R+D+i department: The DMTone
Precision milling tool. In the screwed angled structure direct to implant, it is used to mill the screw seating and to increase the internal diameter of the straight channel.
As a result of our collaboration with SUM3D Dental – MillBox we have worked together to test and validate the precision milling tool: the DMTONE, obtaining extraordinary results.
Real screenshot using MillBox software CAM with the DMTONE
SUM3D Dental is a new CAM solution expressly designed for dental applications. It has been developed with the cooperation of main milling centres. It is an open CAM, versatile and very easy to use, offering high performance in a short time.
MillBox is a new dental CAM solution. It was developed to mill any kind of material.
Its simple user interface simplifies the toolpath process creation and comes with both innovative and appealing design. Millbox is an easy-to-use advanced CAM that optimizes time and costs.