Presenting CAPS System in Belgium


Last week we were in Belgium with our distributor Improdent in the country to introduce the CAPS Intraoral Scanning System. Doctor Nuytens was in charge of presenting to the audience the new CAPS System he has developed together with Dynamic Abutment Solutions for a Fully Digital Workflow. The intraoral scanning of an edentulous jaw with implants is a major challenge …



We have needed a few days to recover from Expodental 2024. We are still processing everything we’ve been through. Don’t you believe us? Watch the video! Without a doubt, Expodental is the revolution of the dental world. A meeting point for colleagues in the sector and a great opportunity to create new contacts and build synergies. Thanks once again to …

article by philippe nuytens in Dentist News magazine

Article by Philippe Nuytens in Dentist News Magazine

dynamicabutmentCase studies, News

Here is an article by Dr. Philippe Nuytens published in the Dentist News magazine. The Doctor shares a full arch case solved with our ScanbodyReference, PeekPins and the CAPSSystem. The Scanbody Reference is ideal for edentulous cases, because with the help of the Peek Pins it supports an optimal scan. In addition, the CAPS System allows the maxillomandibular relationship to …

Happy International Women’s Day 8M


Happy International Women’s Day! Did you know that 66% of our staff are women? A great commitment has been made to the feminization of the team, to equality and to the same rights and opportunities. And they are not words, they are facts. We keep growing. Strong, professional, hard-working, fighters. Would you add anything else?

Meeting With Customers in Poland


We visited Poland for a Meeting With Customers with our distributor KTI Implants. At Artdentis clinique we presented our latest innovations, such as the CAPS and OP systems and other developments that we will soon reveal. In the prosthetic laboratory CEREClab we did a training on our DAS products. It has been a pleasure to share experiences and fruitful conversations …

New catalogues


New catalogues! This year 2024 comes full of surprises. One of them is the new Product Catalogue and Product References. The new Product catalogue includes all our new products, like the CAPS System, the Scanbody OP or the Scanbody Reference. Furthermore, information about components, libraries, accessories, compatibility list… In the new Product References we technically develop each compatibility to make it …

Countdown to EXPODENTAL


We are already in March! The countdown to Expodental 2024 begins! Remember that from March 14th to 16th we will be at the ExpoDental in Madrid. Do you like our stand? Come and say hello! Discover all the news and promotions from DAS. Our team will be happy to assist you. Find us at Stand 6E02, Pavilion 6 IFEMA MADRID …

CAPS System in The Journal of Dentistry

dynamicabutmentCase studies, News, Technical studios

We are delighted to share this Clinical Research Article in The Journal of Dentistry, the leading international dental journal within the field of restorative dentistry. This article presents the novel CAPS (Complete Arch Pillar System), which allows to register the implant position and the maxillomandibular relationship for implant-supported fixed complete dental prostheses. And the most important thing: in one single …

DAS Guided Surgical Kit

NEW guided surgery case solved with the DAS Guided Surgical Kit

dynamicabutmentCase studies, News

UPCOMING RELEASE Today we present another guided surgery case solved with our DAS Guided Surgical Kit and performed by Dr. Sławomir Pastor from Stomatologia Pastor (Poland) using the Exoplan software. The DAS Guided Surgical Kit is the most versatile universal GuidedSurgery system on the market: Allows all types of cases to be solved using minimally invasive procedures Works with all …



We have returned from Dubai very pleased with the reception of our products. AEEDC Dubai is the leading international dental sector fair in the middle east, bringing together thousands of dental experts, technicians, and major industry companies and professionals from around the world. In this edition, over 3.600 exhibitors showcased more than 4.800 international brands, attracting a public of over …