Multi-Unit’s gingival height options


DAS Multi-Unit’s gingival height options allow for all types of cases to be solved ✨ Check all compatibilities available in our catalogue: ➡…/multi-unit-das-system/

Stay tuned!


Stay tuned! Something amazing is coming!  

We are the best example among all dynamic systems.


Investigation and innovation are the hallmarks of Dynamic Abutment ® Solutions in the field of prosthetics and allow us to maintain our position as the best example among all dynamic systems. Our close proximity to the needs of the professional and our brand’s innovative philosophy allow our technical team to be at the cutting edge of the sector. When developing …

TiBase: New compatibilities available


We continue to develop new compatibilities for TiBase®. Maximum angulation up to 45º.…/intrao…/dynamic-tibase/ #interfasedinamica #tibase #3tibase #tornillodinamico #dynamicscrew

Multi-Unit Libraries


DAS Multi-unit system allows to change the MU in the library without rescaning or redesigning the case. That facilities the lab and clinic work, as technician can change the MU without the need to make a new appointment with the patient to re-scan. 👇 Check this video demo 👇

Stay tuned!


📣Stay tuned! Something amazing is coming!  

Happy Holidays!


🎄✨The Dynamic Abutment® Solutions team wishes you happy holidays!🥂