
Last 22th to 24th of November, we were honored to receive our distributor from South Africa, BETTA DENTAL SUPPLIES. He spent a 3-day-training in our facilities to know, at first hand, how we work in DAS. We visited DAS facilites and they had the chance to see the R&D testing room, the machining center and the validation room.

Then we started the training with a short presentation of the new products and services that DAS offers: the new 3TiBase® for those cases thar need more cement height, the new Dynamic µScanbody system, Scanlog, or dinamic milling tool (DMTOne) and the customized CAD-CAM adjustment services.


At the end of the trainining, our Dealer : Desmond McLeod, handed out the certificates of attendance to all the attendees.

Once the training was finished, we made a guided tour and visited the most important and historical monument of Lleida: La Seu Vella



For DAS team, this interaction is essential to innovate in new solutions that make the work of dental professionals easier. Therefore, the visit of these professionals was a very enriching experience for us as well. Thanks for your attendance. It was a pleasure for us!